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I have wanted to start a blog for a while. I love telling stories. I love talking about myself and my life and I absolutely love hearing other people stories. I have struggled with coming up with a theme and ideas of what to talk about – I’m a paramedic but there is so much more to my life than work, I have a 16 month old son who provides me with so many stories to tell – but again, there is so much more to me than being a mum, I am a fiance to the most amazing man on the earth who I literally want to spend every minute of everyday with but I don't know how many people want to read all my soppy stories, I eat a predominantly primal diet and love coming up with new recipes, but as I type this I am eating a bag of Allen’s lollies so I’m not exactly the best role model there. So I figured I’m just going to write about it all.

This won’t be a blog about working in emergency services, this won’t be a blog about being a mum and being a step mum, this won't be a blog about relationships and love, this won’t be a blog about being primal and it certainly won’t be a blog about how to do anything perfectly. It will be a blog about everything – my perfect life that is a result of being so imperfect at so many things. I love my life – it has had so many ups and downs but it is mine and all of its imperfections make it perfect. It makes it perfect enough for us.
So, here's a quick little intro to me. My name is Krystal and I am a first time mum. I'm a fiance, a daughter, a soon-to-be step mum, a sister and a friend (sometimes neglectful). I'm a Paramedic, an avid knitter, a wannabe photographer, a try hard health and fitness nut and an all round life lover. I have a gorgeous son, Alexander (16 months old already - where has that time gone??) from my first marriage. I can honestly say I never knew love until I felt him kick inside of me for the first time. He is my little dude and keeps me on my toes and thoroughly entertained everyday. My fiance, Steve, is my rock in my everyday life. He is my dream, my love, my perfect one. I could talk about him all day!!! Steve is a Paramedic too, we get to work together and we love it. We met at work over 5 years ago and became great friends. We were able to support each other through our separate marriage breakdowns and from that our relationship bloomed. We haven’t been together too long in the grand scheme of things but are 100% committed to each other. He is my one and my only. I want to keep talking about how much I love him but I’m mindful about coming across as all mushy. Steve has 3 children from his previous marriage, Mr S (11), Miss I (8) and Miss F (4). We are in the early days of blending our families and we have had our ups and downs already.
For the majority of the time it's just Steve, Alexander and I at home and to me, this is my perfect little family. For many reasons we don't get to spend a lot of time with Steve's kids so we decided a while ago instead of letting it get us down we would make the most of the time with them that we do get and for the time in between we have our normal, everyday family life. Steve is more of a father to Alexander than I ever could have imagined possible and I am so grateful everyday that my son will have such a positive and strong male role model in his life. Families look different to everyone, and this is how ours looks for now.
My First Mothers Day 2013
So there's a quick run down on me and what I am doing here. Tell me... who are you and what are you doing here?
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